- Damage:- loss, harm, injury, detriment
- Decay:- fade, rust, decline, wither
- Destitute:-needy, forsaken, orphan
- Didactic:- teaching, instructive, perfecting
- Denounce:- accuse, condemn, decry, Censure
- Divine:- heavenly, graceful, Godlike, celestial
- Dangerous:- risky, hazardous, precarious, perilous
- Dear:- expensive, costly, loved by or important to somebody
- Definitive:- limiting, final, positive
- Desultory:- discontinuous, irregular, rambling
- Diffident:- modest, bashful, shy
- Discourse:- lecture, sermon, exhortation, dissertation
- Dissipate:- scatter, waste
- Economy:- management, frugality, prudent, expenditure, thrifty
- Effete:- old, worn out, tired, exhausted
- Elicit:- draw out, Discover
- Elude:- baffle, avoid, cheat, fool
- Emancipate:- free, liberate, release, deliver, uplift
- Emulate:- imitate, rival
- Entice:- persuade, allure, entrap
- Extravagant:- wasteful, prodigal
- Exquisite:- elegant, fine, matchless, exclusive
- Exceptional:- anomalous, unique, extraordinary
- Exterminate:- uproot, eradicate, eliminate, destroy
- Exacerbate:- magnify, heighten, enlarge, overstate. Amplify
- Exigency:- emergency, distress
- Fascinate:- charm, mesmerize, enchant, bewitch
- Fastidious:- Dainty, squeamish, Hard to please
- Fatuous:- silly, purposeless
- Fecund:- Prolific, fertile, fruitful, productive, luxuriant
- Fictitious:- Falls, imaginative, illusionary, fabricated, fanciful
- Flagrant:- notorious, disgraceful, outrageous
- Fortuitous:- chance, accidental
- Forbid:- prohibit, preclude, inhibit, debar
- Fatal:- deadly, mortal, Lethal, virulent
- Guile:- fraud, trickery, cunning
- Gratification:- Satisfaction, Enjoyment
- Garrulous:- talkative, loquacious
- Humane:- kind, generous, benevolent, compassionate
- Haughty:- arrogant, proud, egoist, obstinate
- Humility:- politeness, weakness, modesty
- Illiterate:- ignorant, uneducated, unlearned
- Impotent:- powerless, disabled, inadequate, incapable
- Immaterial:- unimportant, insignificant, useless, irrelevant
- Imminent:- threatening, impending, approaching
- Irresolute:- undecided, wavering, fluctuating, unsettled
- Inanimate:- lifeless, dead, dormant, stagnant
- Ingenuous:- artless, sincere naive, innocent
- Inexorable:- relentless, merciless, apathetic, Harsh
- Impertinent, irrelevant, impudent, insolent, saucy